From Phisiology to Therapy
Editor Felice Eugenio Agrò, Springer
A book of 274 pages
- Explains the concepts central to a sound understanding of abnormalities in fluid and electrolyte metabolism
- Compares the different available fluids, explaining their indications, mechanisms of action and side-effects
- Will serve as an invaluable decision-making guide in clinical practice
The administration of intravenous fluids is one of the most common and important therapeutic practices in the treatment of surgical, medical and critically ill patients. The international literature accordingly contains a vast number of works on fluid management, yet there is still confusion as to the best options in the various situations encountered in clinical practice.
The purpose of this volume is to help the decision-making process by comparing different solution properties describing their indications, mechanisms of action and side-effects according to physiologic body water distribution, electrolytic and acid-base balance, and to clarify which products available on the market represent the best choice in different circumstances. The book opens by discussing in detail the concepts central to a sound understanding of abnormalities in fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and the effect of intravenous fluid administration. In the second part of the monograph, these concepts are used to explain the advantages and disadvantages of solutions available on the market in different clinical settings. The chapter on the economic issues associated with fluid management in clinical pratice reflects the Editor's intent to include in this volume one of the most important issues in the daily routine of all practitioners. Finally, the chapter "Questions and Answers" summarizes the main concepts presented in the volume. It offers a useful, rapid consultation as an overview at the end of the volume. Body Fluid Management: From Physiology to Therapy will serve as an invaluable decision-making guide, including for those who are not experts in the subject. At the end of each chapter the boxes "Key Concepts" and "Key Words" help the reader retaining the most relevant concepts of the chapter, while the box "Focus on.." suggests literature and other links that expand on the material discussed in the chapter, satisfy the reader's curiosity, and offer novel ideas.
Felice Eugenio Agrò, MD
Commander to the Order of Merit of The Italian Republic
Full Professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Chairman of Postgraduate School of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Director of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management Department
University School of Medicine Campus Bio-Medico of Rome
Rome, Italy
Hans Anton Adam, MD; Maria Benedetto, MD; Umberto Benedetto, MD, PhD; Laura Bertini, MD; Chiara Candela, MD; Massimiliano Carassiti, MD, PhD; Rita Cataldo, MD; Edmon Cohen, MD; Roberta Colonna, MD; Gianluca De Novi, PhD; Annalaura Di Pumpo, MD; Dietman Fries, MD, PhD; Maria Grazia Frigo, MD; Boleslav Korsharskyy, MD; Romina Lavia, PhD; Pietro Martorano, MD; Florian R Nuevo, MD; Robert Sumpelmann, MD, PhD; Peter Slinger, MD; Marialuisa Vennari, MD; Carlo Alberto Volta, MD.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner