Prof. Felice Eugenio Agro
University School of Medicine Campus Bio-Medico of Rome
Via Alvaro del Portillo 200-00128 Rome
Tel ( 39) 06.22.541.1049 Fax: ( 39) 06.22.541.1915
f.agro @ unicampus.it
"Your ordinary contact with God takes place where your fellow men,
your yearnings, your work and your affections are.
There you have your daily encounter with Christ."
St. Josemaria Escrivá de Balaguer
Commander to the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
Full Professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University school of Medicine Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy |
Chairmain, Postgraduate School of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University School of Medicine Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy
Director, Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Management, Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome, Italy |
Medical Director, Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome, Italy (September 2000 - November 2009)
Director of Health Strategy & Business Development Department, Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome, Italy (December 2009 - January 2011) |
Project Leader of the Emergency Department at the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome, Italy (January 2011 - Today) |
Referent of the Campus Bio-Medico University President for Special Project (January 2011 - Today) |
October 15, 1955 |
Italy |
ADDRESS University |
Via Alvaro del Portillo, 200 00128 Rome, Italy |
TELEPHONE University |
39 06 225411613 |
FAX University |
39 06 225411919 |
E-mail |
f.agro@unicampus.it |
The President of the Republic on the proposal of the Council of Ministers, by order dated June 2, 2008 has conferred the medal of Commander to the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic to Prof. Eugenio Felice Agro, with the right to embellish the signs of its insignia.
The Chancellor of the Order attesting that Prof. Eugenio Felice Agro was registered in the Commanders’ Book by the number 3106 series V.
The Order of Merit of the Italian Republic is conferred by the President of the Italian Republic to Italian and foreign citizens who have distinguished themselves for their own merits and for its contribution to the Italian Republic in the fields of literature, economics, public and social services , philanthropy and civil rights.
By Decree of the MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research, 1176 No. 2 August 2002, Prof. Felice Eugenio Agro was appointed Member of the Book of Experts of the Ministry of Education of University and research, in Category A: University Professors
In competence and discipline areas
Prof. Felice Eugenio Agrò is member of the Auditors' bulletin-board fot the evaluation of the programs and products of ministerial search for the following scientific sector
sector description
(Life Sciences: Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health: aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of disease, public health, epidemiology, pharmacology, clinical medicine, regenerative medicine, medical ethics)
Medical ethics
(Life Sciences: Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health: aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of disease, public health, epidemiology, pharmacology, clinical medicine, regenerative medicine, medical ethics)
Health services, health care research
(Life Sciences: Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health: aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of disease, public health, epidemiology, pharmacology, clinical medicine, regenerative medicine, medical ethics)
Italian Medical Council |
S.I.A.A.R.T.I. (Anesthesia Analgesia Resuscitation Intensive Care Italian Society) |
E.S.A. ( European Society of Anesthesiology ) |
S.A.M. ( Society of Airway Management)
English |
French |
http://www.feliceagro.com |
Critical Care Medicine |
Anesthesiology |
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology |
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia |
European Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Medical Science Monitor |
Minerva Anestesiologica |
Intenet Journal of Airway Management |
Interventional Medicine |
Medical Quality |
Seeing Extraglottic Device (SED) |
The SED is a device that provides a conduit for ventilation and endotracheal intubation, a stomach drain tube for protection against aspiration and stomach inflation, and direct vision of vocal cords and laryngeal inlet and permits oxygen and drug somministration. |
Mannequine for Medical Training (MMT) |
The MMT is a mannequin representing a human body, anatomically particularized, adult aged and real sized with real motions. Special care is posed in selecting the materials in order to resemble the antural texture of human tissues. The aim of the mannequin is to allow the acquisition of medical skills in the field of pain management (peripheral anaesthesia techmiques, vessels cannulation, port-a-cath implantation) through interchangeable modules actin endless anatomical variabilities ("drawers") |
Anti Sleep Glasses (ASG) |
The device consists of a pair of glasses (with neutral, graduated or darkened lenses) on which a sensor, a battery and an electrode are implanted at the level of both arms. The sensor can detect the movements of the eye blink, considering the frequency of opening and closing of the upper eyelid. The battery, once receives the pulse from the sensor, sends the energy needed to the electrodes of the TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) which are widely used in pain therapy and gives a download on the parietal area of the skull that is able to awaken the driver, making possible for him to reach the nearest resting point. |
Alcohol Detector Glasses (ADG) |
The present invention consists of a pair glasses implemented with breath alcohol detector placed above or inside the nose, a data processing system, a transcutaneous neurostimulation circuit connected to be positioned preferably in the end of the arm and a power supply system located in the terminal region of the controlateral arm.The purpose of this device is to provide a security system for the individual who drives a vehicle having taking alcohol and/or spirits.
Tracheotomy Tube (TT) |
The present invention is a device that provides a conduit for ventilation and airway protection. It allows to preserve the intubation of the trachea in patients with percutaneous tracheostomy until tracheotomy pipe placement. It assure appropriate oxygenation and protection of the posterior wall of the trachea; it prevents injury (even the heaviest); it allows tracheoscopic vision passing the optical fiber through the conduit for ventilation; it assures ventilation and airway protection untilò the end of the surgical procedure. |
Sodium 2-Mercaptoethane Sulphonate for use in the treatment of the lumbar pain |
The present invention consists in the treatment of low back pain with sodium 2-mercaptoethanesulphonate for epidural use in the treatment of Failure Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) |
Author F. Agrò - "The Semiology of pain" part two, 1997 |
Author F. Agrò - "Pain in cranioencephalic neurotraumatology", 1998 |
Author F. Agrò - "Pain in cranioencephalic neurotraumatology" part two, 1999 |
Author F. Agrò - "Urgenze ed emergenze medico-chirurgiche", 2000 |
Author F. Agrò - "Pain in orthopedy" , 2001 |
Author F. Agrò - "Pain: Bioethics and Medicine", 2003 |
Editor F. Agrò - "Body Fluid Management: From Physiology to Therapy", Springer, 2012 |
Translated Medical Books |
7 |
"Anaesthesia & uncommon diseases" - J. Benumof - W.B. Saunders Company |
"The laryngeal mask airway: a review and pratical guide" - J. Brimacombe, A. Brain - W.B. Saunders Company |
"The difficult of tracheal intubation" - Latto, Vaughan - W.B. Saunders Company |
"Current Therapy" Conn's - R.A. Rakel |
"Atlas of interventional pain management" - S.D. Waldman - W.B. Saunders Company |
" Complication in anesthesia" - J.L. Lee - W.B. Saunders Company |
"Critical Care Notes: Clinical Pocket Guide" - J. Jones, B. Fix - F.A. Davis Company |
Author: F. Agrò - Chapter 10 - Airway management (pp. 91-104), "Topics in Anaesthesia and Critical Care" : Trauma operative procedures. Springer Verlag (1198) |
Authors: Gaitini LA, Vaida SJ, Agrò F - The Esophageal-Tracheal Combitube (pp. 893-906), The Upper Airway and Anesthesiology : Anesthesiology Clinics of North America 2002 Dec;20(4):893-906 |
Authors: G. Barzoi, F. Agrò, S. Boncinelli, A. Morra, A. Volpini - Chapter 22 - Emergenza - Urgenza (pp. 683-702); "Le leggi dell'Ospedale" di A. Zaglio. Edito dalla Verduci (2001) |
Author: F.Agrò - HOMO PATIENS - Prospettive sulla sofferenza umana della Collana "Studi di fisolofia". Edito da Armando Editore (2003) |
Produced Teaching Videotapes |
3 |
Author F. Agrò - Airway management: tracheal intubation with Lightwand Trachlight |
Author F. Agrò - Airway management: LMA-Fastrach (ILM: Intubating Laryngeal Mask) |
Author F. Agrò - Airway management: Laryngeal Tube |
Produced Teaching Cd-rom |
2 |
Supervised Graduation Theses |
62 |
Chairman/Speaker in international congresses |
31 |
Chairman/Speaker in national congresses |
52 |
Speaker and co-speaker in doctoral discussion |
42 |
Chairman and co-spaker in doctoral discussion |
48 |
Scientific Oral Presentations and Abstracts |
400 approx |
Original Articles (peer reviewed) |
75 |
Chairman of Masters, Workshops and Training Courses |
Yearly first and second level master about "Clinical risk management" |
Second level master about "End of life care" |
Three-monthly workshop about "Airway management" |
Training courses : BLS, BLS-D, ALS, ACLS, ATLS |
Present Research Interest |
Mannequin for medical training courses (application patent) |
Force and pressure distribution using direct and indirect laringoscopy in normal and difficuklt airway |
Associated Tecniques for tracheal intubation |
Supraglottic Devices and aerly oxygenation (application patent 25 Apr 2006) |
Mechanical ventilation in Anesthesia and Intensive Care |
Pain Management |
Anthropology and pain |
Body Fluid Management (Monograph printed by Springer in August 2012) |
Medical Devices (3 Application Patents) |
Health Strategy and Business Development in Heathcare |
International Partnership |
The Mount Sinai Medical Center - New York |
NorthWestern University - Chicago |
Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Ohio |
Intensive Care Department - University of Wien |
Hospital Bnai Zion, Facultad de Medicina - Haifa |
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois - Lausanne |
Baylor College of Medicine - Houston |
Toronto General Hospital - Toronto |
University of Mainz - Mainz |
Biorobotics Labs - Harvard Medical School |
Reviews |
6 |
Agro FE, Cataldo R, Mattei New devices and techniques for airway mangement. Minerva Anestesiol 2009;75:141-9 |
Longhitano S, Coriat P, Agro F Postoperative Myocardial infarction: pathophysiology, new diagnostic criteria, prevention. Minerva Anestesiol 2006;72:965-83. |
Agro F, Frass M, Benumof JL, Krafft P Current status of the Combitube: a review of the literature. J Clin Anesth 2002;14:307-14 |
Agro F, Frass M, Benumof J, Krafft P, Urtubia R, Gaitini L, Julian I The esophageal tracheal Combitube as a non-invasive alternative to endotracheal intubation. A review. Minerva Anestesiol 2001;67:863-74 |
Agro F, Hung OR, Cataldo R, Crucian M, Gherardi S. Lightwand intubation using the Trachlight: a brief review of current knowledge. Can J aNAESTH 2001;48:592-9. |
Agro F, Cataldo R, Julian I. Associated techniques for tracheal intubation. Resuscitation 2000;47:343-5. |
Member of the Book of Experts MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research in subject areas MED/10, MED/11 and MED/41
Expert Consultation Website Ministry Education Expert Members |
Member of the Joint Medical Committee (JMC) National Civil Expert Committees and Planning Commission of NATO in the 'Expert Area Medical Plans High-level civil emergency. " |
Member of the working group set up by the Department of Health of Lazio Region, to develop guidelines for emergency / urgency, in order to standardize procedures across the region. |
Member of e-learning CISAT (Italian Centre for Development and Applications of Telemedicine) for the use of information systems and telematics in distance education for doctors and other health professionals, in particular emergencies and first aid. |